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Association of Workers for Alternative Rural Development

AWARD as an organization uphold a leading position, which can  contribute in the process of development to establishment an exploitation free society, where justice, dignity and prosperity prevailed.

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Our Objectives

To promote the socio-economic status of under privileged rural peoples, Human resource Development, Education, Health & Nutrition, Environment, Social justice, networking development.


AWARD as an organization uphold a leading position, which can contribute in the process of development to establishment an exploitation free society, where justice, dignity and prosperity prevailed.

Mission Statement

AWARD is committed to organize grass root poor people’s organization in connection with to empower people and communities.

Get involved where it matters

Connect with us and make a real difference to the life of those in need.

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Your generosity makes our work possible. Whether you contribute financially or as advocate for good.

Learn more about our causes

Your generosity makes our work possible. Whether you contribute financially or as advocate for good.

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how you can help

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Your generosity makes our work possible. Whether you contribute financially or as advocate for good.

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Your generosity makes our work possible. Whether you contribute financially or as advocate for good.

Join our Efforts

Your generosity makes our work possible. Whether you contribute financially or as advocate for good.

Our latest activity

Dental Bus

Since the beginning of the Rohingya influx in Bangladesh, AWARD has extended their emotion and hands of cooperation to the oppressed Rohingya community. One of the unique activities of AWARD in that Rohingya camp is Mobile Dental Clinic.

Medical Camp

We are providing all types of Medical services including some major and complex cases. which is very unique in such a remote area.